Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4-D Photos

Here is one of the pics we got today from our 4-D ultrasound. If you look closely you can see her hand on top of her foot. We got lots of great video. About half way through she started opening and closing her eyes, moving around, and showing us her mouth and tongue. It was a very exciting experience. For some reason it won't upload the picture of her face where she has her eyes open. I will try to get it to work later.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A blue nursery....

Jonathan stayed up late on Sunday night and painted Ryne's nursery. Yes, it's blue! I know, I know, there is a theme starting here. A blue room and a boy's name for a girl. Yes-we have accepted it is a girl...we are ready to handle two, we think! The color is called beach sparkle and it's a lighter turquoise blue. Nanna is making the baby bedding and we still have other things to finish, but we do have approx. 11 weeks to go so we have time. At least we have paint on the walls so we can do the rest when we find more time. Possibly after she's born! If you look closely you can see down the hall to big sister's room which is called dancing green. We like color for our girls!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Today was Cantley's first t-ball game. We were in a tourny and they played 3 games in all. Way to many for her, but she did good. She played in the dirt A LOT and ran faster to the dugout than the base, but overall, for her first experience she did fine. Here are some pics and video of her big day. Jonathan had a tourny out of town so he had to miss all the festivities. Nanna and Big John did make the first 2 games and were a big help to us. Their team is now 1 and 2 for the year. Their regular season starts next Sat. Go Lil' Indians!

Cantley after her first scoring run of the year!
Riding her bat like a stick horse-all the way to the plate!

Pep talk from Big John!

Standing on 1st base.

Cantley of many times! Cantley's first scoring run.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Catching up...

Well, I am behind once again with the blog. I am going to try and be better about this as we get closer to having the baby, but once she gets here, I won't make any promises!

We have been busy since I last posted about Cantley's birthday. The weekend after her birthday Jonathan took me to see Brad Paisley in Shreveport. CAntley got to go stay with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Cliff. Well, that not went to pot quickly. We got a text at the end of the night saying C had fever and complaining of her ear. We left, headed home, and she started throwing up. By the time we got home, we started breathing treatments and slept only a few hours that night. It was the weekend, but we made to some great Dr.s at our clinic and found out she had RSV again, 5th disease and an ear infection. Once again, RSV strikes up hard, but she bounced back just in time to make our annual Feb. trip to Virginia.

Our trip was great! Kruse was 10 days old when we got there and boy was he a little doll. We all got warmed up to him quickly, even Cantley. She did keep asking if we could shut up that whining, but she enjoyed him while he was sleeping or eating! Kason and Cantley really lived it up together. Uncle Jonathan was a hit with Kason as well. Me, well, I did some cooking, cleaning, and holding that baby when I could. Katrina was feeling really well so we got a little girl time in with shopping for a few hours. By the time we left we were exhausted, but so sad to leave. We also hated to get home knowing we would be that much closer to having our baby! After seeing Kruse and getting that shock of remembering what a new born is like....we are wondering if we are really ready for this baby to get here!

We do have a name for the baby now. Ryne Michelle Gosdin. Ryne is after Ryne Sanberg, the baseball player. Michelle is my big sister's name. Cantley had some great suggestions like sleeping beauty, Ariel, etc., but we chose Ryne instead. She is happy with it now that she realizes we aren't changing it. She loves to squeeze my belly and talk to her little sister. She tells us daily all the things she will do with her, share with her, and teach her.

The pregnancy is going well. We have had a few catch ups here and there, but my dr. is taking great care of me. We will have our 4-D ultrasound in a few weeks so I hope to have some neat pictures to post.

Baseball season is going. That's about all I can say. We have won 2 games, both big wins, but not enough for the talent that we have on our team. We hope to see that swing in the right direction very soon.

Cantley starts tee ball at the end of this month so we will have 2 teams to follow now!

A breathing treatment. What a trouper!
Sharing Popsicles with Kason!

Enjoying the wonderful warm weather on her bike!