Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Our Spring Equinox balanced egg kicked off our Easter weekend. We got it to stand on Thurs. around 6:30 and it was still standing when we got home from school on Friday. We thought it would fall on it's own, but Cantley got a hold of it and cracked it all over the counter. We still thought that was pretty neat!
Mom and Cantley dyeing eggs. This was a stressful event for mom!
Making faces with my funny face egg!
Look what the Easter Bunny brought me!!! And check out the eggs I dyed last night!

Hunting Easter eggs the bunny left all over our living room this morning! They were full of candy and money!!!!! She got $2.37. Pennies go a long way when you think all money is equal!
Cantley in her Easter Dress!!!!
Cantley fell asleep while taking her breathing treatment. She is just loving her new "My Little Pony" friend Rainbow Dash.

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

Cantley looked so cute on Easter, I can tell you guys had a great Easter!