Friday, May 23, 2008

Catching up...

Well, we had a little time to rest now and I wanted to catch you up on what we are doing now that baseball is over for us. We only have 3 more days to work and we will be done for the summer. We got our new roof and the next day had more bad weather tumbling trees all around us in our neighborhood and the surrounding areas. I thought for sure our new roof was going, but I think it is alright. In the storm, our computer went down. Luckily we had a school laptop with us and will be connected for the summer until we are ready for a new one. Thanks so Mike for all his help in trying to revive our dell and for help I know he will be in getting our life off that machine!!!

Cantley is doing well. We are dealing with some tough 3's. She just got over a 5 day fever virus and we are still working on breathing treatments. We are going to check for Asthma this summer just in case. Other than that, she is excited about summer, as she thinks it is a place to go, not a season. She does think she can wear her swimsuit there and wants to wear it daily!

We had a nice trip to Hot Springs last weekend with all my family and my mom and I judged a Miss AR prelim. It was nice to get back into something I was once pretty good at and put what I learned to good use. I can't wait to judge more!

Well, that is an update on us. If there is more to know I will put it on here! If I can figure out how, I will post some new pics when we get our new appliances in next week.

Take care, prepare for summer-and pray for us as we look into some exciting and major changes in our life soon!!!!

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