Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Updates, Updates, Updates

So here we go...we have had a lot going on in our world. We started moving back into the house this past Thursday. It has been a busy weekend! Nana came to help us out and without her we would not be where we are right now. She and Jonathan stayed up late unpacking two nights in a row. I am proud to say I even stayed up until midnight one night! We got a lot done and the house really looks nice. Below are some pics from the house. You can see first this pic of Cantley helping Jonathan carry out the trash. She has been a trooper through yet another move and more changes in her little world. We are all glad to be home! And we are glad to have A.J.home as well. At the very bottom you will find video of Cantley skipping. We are really proud of her new skills.

Master Bathroom
Master bedroom

Dining Room

Cantley's new big girl room!

Cantley at her friend Ella's birthday party.
The cowgirl on her way to the party. She had to pose. It's her "new" thing. Then she has to see.

This is Cantley before her latest dentist appt. She wanted to take her picture with this for Kason to see.

And last but not least-our newest news and addition to our family. This is from our first dr. appt. We are all very excited, especially Cantley. We will add to our family in June.
A skipping we will, a skipping we will go...


The Kuhns said...

Dang, Jonathan! You got skill. (Oh sorry...Cantley, you're doing great!)

fields freenzy said...

Congraulations on your new addition to your family and on getting back in your house, It looks great.

wanda said...

Congrats on the new baby! I bet Cantley is so excited. She will be a great big sister. Jessica said she couldn't wait to teach him or her to play hide and seek with them:) Take care and the house looks great!

Stacee said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! What great news!!