Merry Christmas everyone! Less than two weeks to go! This has been a very exciting Christmas season in our house. Cantley started to "get" Santa last year, but this year, the girl has his number! She is so excited about what he might bring her and most of all when he is coming. We made a paper chain that she tears off each night so she will know how many more days until Santa comes. She is also very excited about being a big sister and talks about it daily. Imagine that, Cantley talking!
Last weekend she went to stay with Nanna and Big John for the weekend. What a weekend it was! On Sat. morning they went to the Albemarle Christmas party where she won lost of cool toys and played lots of games. That night, Nanna hosted a grandparents party and it was lots of fun for the kids and the grandparents. By the time we got her back home, we got the meltdown! It was worth it b/c she won't stop talking about her reindeer party at Nanna's.
Cantley is quite the singer. I can't get my video to work, but as soon as i do, you will see our future pop star in action. Right now she is very into Christmas carols. Jingle Bells is at the top of her list. Her version goes something like this...jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what sun, and then to horse, and hey, ho, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaaaaaay! The middle part is harder to understand than what I typed, but it is to cute for words!
Below is a pic I took a few weeks ago before church. She is getting very good at posing for mom. She says she will teach the new baby, too. When I can, I will add this year's Santa pic where you can tell she is asking for a chocolate baby! I sure hope Santa got one for her!
As for Jonathan and I, we are just so happy to be home. We ate out last night for the first time that we "wanted" to! It was nice. We love being home more than ever. Nothing like hotel living for 3 months to make you appreciate your home. School is great for both of us. We see our dr. again in a week and we are going to beg he let us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We even tried to get Cantley to practice begging, but she remembered we don't allow is at home and told us we were not supposed to beg either! Neither of us really care what we get, but it is an easy guess what Jonathan wants deep down. We are also excited that we will have our final meeting with Terminix and be settled with our house! HOORAY! It has been a long and painful process to get here and there were times we never thought we would, but it is happening. We have both grown a lot through this and are now offering our knowledge and counseling services to all Termite sufferers!
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a blessed holiday season!

Last weekend she went to stay with Nanna and Big John for the weekend. What a weekend it was! On Sat. morning they went to the Albemarle Christmas party where she won lost of cool toys and played lots of games. That night, Nanna hosted a grandparents party and it was lots of fun for the kids and the grandparents. By the time we got her back home, we got the meltdown! It was worth it b/c she won't stop talking about her reindeer party at Nanna's.
Cantley is quite the singer. I can't get my video to work, but as soon as i do, you will see our future pop star in action. Right now she is very into Christmas carols. Jingle Bells is at the top of her list. Her version goes something like this...jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what sun, and then to horse, and hey, ho, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaaaaaay! The middle part is harder to understand than what I typed, but it is to cute for words!
Below is a pic I took a few weeks ago before church. She is getting very good at posing for mom. She says she will teach the new baby, too. When I can, I will add this year's Santa pic where you can tell she is asking for a chocolate baby! I sure hope Santa got one for her!
As for Jonathan and I, we are just so happy to be home. We ate out last night for the first time that we "wanted" to! It was nice. We love being home more than ever. Nothing like hotel living for 3 months to make you appreciate your home. School is great for both of us. We see our dr. again in a week and we are going to beg he let us find out what we are having a few weeks early. We even tried to get Cantley to practice begging, but she remembered we don't allow is at home and told us we were not supposed to beg either! Neither of us really care what we get, but it is an easy guess what Jonathan wants deep down. We are also excited that we will have our final meeting with Terminix and be settled with our house! HOORAY! It has been a long and painful process to get here and there were times we never thought we would, but it is happening. We have both grown a lot through this and are now offering our knowledge and counseling services to all Termite sufferers!
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a blessed holiday season!
1 comment:
I just stopped by and saw the news coming this summer. Congrats and hopefully we can see you guys after Christmas? are you going to be in Crossett?
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