We started back to work last week. It was only 3 days of work before the weekend, which was good for me and Ryne. We really missed each other. Cantley on the other hand was angry at us when she couldn't go to Memaw's on Saturday. The social butterfly she is was ready to be back with her friends another day. Ryne is doing really well with Memaw as I knew she would. We are all adjusting to a lot of new things around here. Jonathan has been back coaching football for several weeks now. As Junior High Head Coach, he has his hands full. He is still helping with Sr. High football as well. We all miss him terribly during the week, but again we are adjusting.
Cantley will start Pre-K on Wednesday. She has a great teacher and is so excited about going each day. We bought her school supplies so she is set.
Ryne is changing daily. She is such a good baby. She has been sleeping through the night for weeks and slept for almost 12 hours last night. Like Cantley, she woke up smiling. She has started "talking" to us often and enjoys checking out lots of things around her. Some of her favorite things to look at are the letters spelling her name on her wall and the monkeys that hang from the light in her room. Those monkeys get her smiling and talking often times. It's really cute to watch.
Enjoy the pics below. I will try to update this week with pictures of Cantley's first day of school. I am anxious to see which will get more tears-Ryne first day away from me or Cantley's first day of school!!!!
work on the paci, but this is what she wanted all along!
My smiling bug!
supposed to be Snow White!
Taking a break from dress up.
Ryne's first dress up and play make-up session with the big girls.
Those pictures are just precious! Ya'll have such a beautiful family!!!!
How cute! Ryne is getting so big and Cantley is really getting tall. Loved all the pictures and the update. Good luck with school and have a wonderful year.
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