Merry Christmas everyone! We are very behind on our blog, but hope the new year will bring a little more time for it. We have had a great year with many blessings and the biggest one is our new baby Ryne Michelle. She is our greatest gift this year-an angel! We have had a lot of fun with her and watching Cantley grow up so much. We have a lot to be thankful for and to look forward to in 2010. Baseball season will start up soon so be looking for updates and hopefully a big state tourny run again this year! Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
A few picutres and updates
Let's start with a smile! Ryne is such a wonderful baby! She sleeps great, eats great, and is so much fun! She loves to laugh at Cantley and Cantley just loves that. Here she is smiling away! Don't you just love those blue eyes!

Jonathan's Friday night coaching duties! Doesn't he look official! LOL
Monday, August 24, 2009
Starting School
Our oldest child has started school. Cantley became a Pre-K student on August 19th. Her teacher is Mrs. Wilson. She is loving every minute of it. Below are pics from Meet the Teacher and her first day. She only goes half a day which seems to be just enough for her. She tells about her new friends she is making and a few things they are learning. The other day in the car she said she wanted to tell us something she learned in school. She said she had learned about the United States of American (not a typo). We asked her what that was. She said it was a flag. We asked what is looked like. She said it was all stripey with stars. We asked what it meant or stood for. She told us you put your hand like this (over her heart) and talk to it! We got from that she is learning the pledge. What a great way to describe as a 4 yr. old!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Catching up...
It has been a busy, but wonderful summer. I apologize for not keeping up with the blog better. Hopefully getting back into a routine will help me out with this, too! Below are several pictures from the last several weeks. They are in backward order, sorry.
We started back to work last week. It was only 3 days of work before the weekend, which was good for me and Ryne. We really missed each other. Cantley on the other hand was angry at us when she couldn't go to Memaw's on Saturday. The social butterfly she is was ready to be back with her friends another day. Ryne is doing really well with Memaw as I knew she would. We are all adjusting to a lot of new things around here. Jonathan has been back coaching football for several weeks now. As Junior High Head Coach, he has his hands full. He is still helping with Sr. High football as well. We all miss him terribly during the week, but again we are adjusting.
Cantley will start Pre-K on Wednesday. She has a great teacher and is so excited about going each day. We bought her school supplies so she is set.
Ryne is changing daily. She is such a good baby. She has been sleeping through the night for weeks and slept for almost 12 hours last night. Like Cantley, she woke up smiling. She has started "talking" to us often and enjoys checking out lots of things around her. Some of her favorite things to look at are the letters spelling her name on her wall and the monkeys that hang from the light in her room. Those monkeys get her smiling and talking often times. It's really cute to watch.
Enjoy the pics below. I will try to update this week with pictures of Cantley's first day of school. I am anxious to see which will get more tears-Ryne first day away from me or Cantley's first day of school!!!!
The dress up queen!
Cantley and Ryne watching t.v. together! (or so it seems)
We started back to work last week. It was only 3 days of work before the weekend, which was good for me and Ryne. We really missed each other. Cantley on the other hand was angry at us when she couldn't go to Memaw's on Saturday. The social butterfly she is was ready to be back with her friends another day. Ryne is doing really well with Memaw as I knew she would. We are all adjusting to a lot of new things around here. Jonathan has been back coaching football for several weeks now. As Junior High Head Coach, he has his hands full. He is still helping with Sr. High football as well. We all miss him terribly during the week, but again we are adjusting.
Cantley will start Pre-K on Wednesday. She has a great teacher and is so excited about going each day. We bought her school supplies so she is set.
Ryne is changing daily. She is such a good baby. She has been sleeping through the night for weeks and slept for almost 12 hours last night. Like Cantley, she woke up smiling. She has started "talking" to us often and enjoys checking out lots of things around her. Some of her favorite things to look at are the letters spelling her name on her wall and the monkeys that hang from the light in her room. Those monkeys get her smiling and talking often times. It's really cute to watch.
Enjoy the pics below. I will try to update this week with pictures of Cantley's first day of school. I am anxious to see which will get more tears-Ryne first day away from me or Cantley's first day of school!!!!
work on the paci, but this is what she wanted all along!
My smiling bug!
supposed to be Snow White!
Taking a break from dress up.
Ryne's first dress up and play make-up session with the big girls.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
New pics...
Here is the link to some new pics that were taken of Ryne. They are really awesome and I will go broke ordering the ones I love! Check them out when you get time!
1. go to
2. click on clients (let me know if this doesn't work for you)
3. enter your email address (anybody that views your proofs can use their own addres)
4. enter ryne as the password (anybody that view your proofs will have to use this password)
5. click enter
Hope you enjoy. I am having a hard time deciding on them.
1. go to
2. click on clients (let me know if this doesn't work for you)
3. enter your email address (anybody that views your proofs can use their own addres)
4. enter ryne as the password (anybody that view your proofs will have to use this password)
5. click enter
Hope you enjoy. I am having a hard time deciding on them.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ryne Michelle Gosdin
This past Tues. (5-26-09) I embarrassingly passed out at Cantley's t-ball game. Thanks to that, we delivered our newest family member the next day. Ryne was born at 6:55 on Wednesday, May 27, 2009. She weighed 7 bls. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. She was very healthy and ready to enter the world. The delivery went great, besides the pain =) and we all left the hospital when Ryne was only 24 hours old! We are doing fine at home, just any of you with kids can understand. Cantley is adjusting well most of the time. Each day is better for her and she is taking on her big sister duties with pride. Below are a few pics of Ryne. I will try to update more later on!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dress Rehearsal
Cantley will have her very first dance recital tonight. Her dance studio is putting on a ballet of Alice in Wonderland. Her class, see pic below, are the teacups in the very unbirthday scene. If you haven't seen Alice in a while, that is part of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. If you know Cantley-this is a BIG deal for her to be part of a tea party. As I type this, she is playing tea party with her Bada. She also received her first trophy-ever-for being a first year dancer. She was so proud and didn't understand why she didn't need to dance with it. She has made some great friends from her class and we hope to dance with them again next year! I hope to put some video up of her performance very soon!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
One more Dragon Update
So we had an exciting run, but lost in the semi-finals of the state tourney. The team is really proud to say they were one of the top 4 teams in 3A in the state. Nothing to be ashamed of at all! Now that baseball is over, it's on to recital! We are practicing every night this week. The recital is Saturday and hopefully after that things will really slow down here until the baby comes.
We'll update after recital!
We'll update after recital!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Dragon Baseball News
I wanted to give an update to everyone on our baseball team. On Friday, we started State Baseball play in Parker's Chapel. We won our first game and advanced to round 2. We had done this last year and were hoping to make it a little further this year. So on Saturday, we played again and WON! Now we are on to the semi-finals. If our Dragons play like they have been and we get just one more win, we will be on to play in the finals at Baum Stadium in Fayetteville next Saturday. This is the world series of high school baseball, so you can imagine how we are feeling right now! First things first, we are focusing on Monday's game....but we have to admit that Baum is now on our brain!
Cantley has had a blast with all her boys this weekend. I am not sure who will be more heartbroken when ball season is over-her or Jonathan. She is preparing for her first dance recital, which happens to be next Sat. when we hope to be in Fayetteville.
Let me end this post with my favorite line....GO BIG GREEN!
Cantley has had a blast with all her boys this weekend. I am not sure who will be more heartbroken when ball season is over-her or Jonathan. She is preparing for her first dance recital, which happens to be next Sat. when we hope to be in Fayetteville.
Let me end this post with my favorite line....GO BIG GREEN!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Latest Gosdin News
We have some catching up to do around here. It is getting harder to find time to blog and I can only imagine how much less I will have after Ryne gets here! We have had some fun events in the last two weeks. We'll start with the GCHS prom. Cantley's baby sitter and her boyfriend(a ball player) stopped by to see her before they left for the prom. She was so excited to see them both and they looked great! We then went out to eat and thought we would stop by for a minute and see all the kids going into the prom. Well, Cantley got invited inside by the HS principal and it was all over after that. She found her baseball boys and danced and played baseball with balloons for at least an hour. She had a great time and it was nice to see our boys all dressed up! She even got to dance with her favorite senior Dakota.
On Monday night, Jonathan and those boys won their first ever conference championship for Genoa. It was a huge win for our team and put us in a great spot for the Regional Tourney, which starts today at noon. When we win our first game, we will be in the state tourney. They then have to play for seeding in that tourney which happens to be in Parker's Chapel this year. For those that don't know where that is, it is right in the middle of Magnolia and Crossett. God was looking out for this pregnant girl so I don't have to travel far and have comfortable places to land in between games.
Last, but certainly not least, my wonderful friends and co-workers threw us a beautiful baby shower this week. They really out did themselves. We got lots of great and needed stuff. Several people have been so sweet to think of Cantley and sent her gifts as well.
Below are some pics of a few of these events. Coming up will be our trip to the state tourney and Cantley's dance recital. The next 2 weeks are going to be busy for us, but should be fun. Only 6 weeks or so until Ryne will make her big arrival and we are ready!!! Jonathan and I have found ourselves loving to see her name in print-it makes it so much more real that we are about to enter the land of having two children in tow! I hope we're ready!!!!!!!!!
My friend Sandra made this ring stacker. It is so awesome!
My great friends who were part of making the shower so wonderful!
Myself, my mom, Granny, and Cantely at the shower.
On Monday night, Jonathan and those boys won their first ever conference championship for Genoa. It was a huge win for our team and put us in a great spot for the Regional Tourney, which starts today at noon. When we win our first game, we will be in the state tourney. They then have to play for seeding in that tourney which happens to be in Parker's Chapel this year. For those that don't know where that is, it is right in the middle of Magnolia and Crossett. God was looking out for this pregnant girl so I don't have to travel far and have comfortable places to land in between games.
Last, but certainly not least, my wonderful friends and co-workers threw us a beautiful baby shower this week. They really out did themselves. We got lots of great and needed stuff. Several people have been so sweet to think of Cantley and sent her gifts as well.
Below are some pics of a few of these events. Coming up will be our trip to the state tourney and Cantley's dance recital. The next 2 weeks are going to be busy for us, but should be fun. Only 6 weeks or so until Ryne will make her big arrival and we are ready!!! Jonathan and I have found ourselves loving to see her name in print-it makes it so much more real that we are about to enter the land of having two children in tow! I hope we're ready!!!!!!!!!
Ryne. To the left is the front, right is the back. It's one of my favorite things! Who knows, with 2 girls I may get a Miss Arkansas if they choose to participate in pageants one day!
It is handstamped from an artist in Little Rock. If you can't read it, the circle says
Cantley and the rectangle says Ryne.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I am asking anyone who reads this blog to please pray for my friends Katie and Whit Sandifer. They had to deliver their baby girl, Lilly Claire, on Friday. She was 29 weeks pregnant. Lilly passed away today, thankfully with both of her parents having time with her.
I will update with pics soon. Jonathan's team plays for their conference title tomorrow night and then we start the war path back to the state tourney this coming weekend with regionals. Life should slow down for us in about 2 weeks after ball season for J has ended and dance will wrap up for Cantley.
Thanks for your prayers for our friends.
I will update with pics soon. Jonathan's team plays for their conference title tomorrow night and then we start the war path back to the state tourney this coming weekend with regionals. Life should slow down for us in about 2 weeks after ball season for J has ended and dance will wrap up for Cantley.
Thanks for your prayers for our friends.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A t-ball win
So this was a long week in the Gosdin house. We had 6 days of baseball in a row. Jonathan's team played at home(thankfully) Mon. Wed. and Fri. Cantley played Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Overall we are still tired, but thankful for surviving it all. This week we have only 5 nights of ball. ONLY! So, out of all those games, Jonathan's team won 2 out of 3 with a devastating last inning loss to Prescott. Cantley's team won 1 out of 3. She totally doesn't care either. She is having so much fun. On Tues., her best buddy Brayden, pictured with her below, came to watch her play. Also, her favorite player from dad's team, Dakota, came to watch as well. She didn't care that got smashed by the other team, just loved to be watched. At her last two games she has actually chased after the ball a few times and scored runs. She just loves to run the bases. We have a lot of great kids on our team and a great coach so that makes it all worth it. She is learning a lot from the process.
Dance recital is coming up, too! We got our costume this week. Recital is on May 9th so that will be another big event to come.

Dance recital is coming up, too! We got our costume this week. Recital is on May 9th so that will be another big event to come.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
4-D Photos

Here is one of the pics we got today from our 4-D ultrasound. If you look closely you can see her hand on top of her foot. We got lots of great video. About half way through she started opening and closing her eyes, moving around, and showing us her mouth and tongue. It was a very exciting experience. For some reason it won't upload the picture of her face where she has her eyes open. I will try to get it to work later.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A blue nursery....
Jonathan stayed up late on Sunday night and painted Ryne's nursery. Yes, it's blue! I know, I know, there is a theme starting here. A blue room and a boy's name for a girl. Yes-we have accepted it is a girl...we are ready to handle two, we think! The color is called beach sparkle and it's a lighter turquoise blue. Nanna is making the baby bedding and we still have other things to finish, but we do have approx. 11 weeks to go so we have time. At least we have paint on the walls so we can do the rest when we find more time. Possibly after she's born! If you look closely you can see down the hall to big sister's room which is called dancing green. We like color for our girls!

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